Monday, August 29, 2011

Beauty and bounty

Wilson's Apple Orchard is one of my favorite places to go this time of year. If you haven't been there yet, it's time to go! The Cornally's and I went yesterday and just soaked up the beauty all around, walking up and down the hills, in between the rows of apple trees, looking for those flags letting us know which ones are ready to pick. Burgundy and Ginger Golds are ready now; Song of September should be perfect next weekend. Anyone want to come join me next weekend? Shawn said this is not something we should do once a year for the fun of it, but we should be here every weekend getting the freshest bounty of the latest ripe variety. Let's stock up for the winter with apples, applesauce, apple cider, apple butter, apple turnovers, apple pie - would you ever get tired of apples? Not me! When are you coming, family? Remember, it isn't just apples, either. It's pumpkin time; they are turning orange now. How about next weekend?

1 comment:

  1. OK!!!!! Sounds so lovely! My favorite place on Earth!!!
