Fast, breakfast, fasten, color-fast, faster, fast food, fast girl, fasting, fastidious, hold fast, fastest, fast and furious, fastigiate, fastigium, steadfast
Just thinking about the word fast. It means to do without food, move at high speed, and be stuck or immoveable, among many other things. Why do we use the same word for opposite things? I started the Lenten season as a student of Lutheranism. I was trying to get into the "feasts and seasons" and the liturgies and parts of the church I had rejected as a younger Christian. I was, after all, on a journey of possibly becoming a ministers' wife in the Lutheran church, so I wanted to be open-minded and learn more about things I did not understand. So I began the lenten season as many folks do - giving something up as I turned to God and remembered all He gave up for me. I chose to give up sugar, not in a strict sense, but to reject foods that did not have anything going for it other than sugar. This was a good choice (or bad choice if you look at it differently) because I am a sugar addict. I was quite strict about this at first, and whenever I was tempted to eat something I shouldn't, I would pray for strength and receive it. I lightened up for social occasions, like Steve's birthday. When I found out I was in a very bad dream and suddenly was awakened to the fact that the ministers' wife journey was fake, I completely jumped off the Lutheran ship and dived right into a sea of sugar. I thought I was drowning at first, but I remembered to pray in spite of breaking the sugar fast, and I am back on land. After a few weeks (I think - I am in a bit of a time warp), I went back to the Lutheran church in Marion where I started this lent thing, not for lenten group or for worship, but to talk to the Director of Spiritual Transformation (cool title, isn't it?). I had made this appointment with her back in January, not really knowing why. This is how long it takes to get in to see her, and now I know why I needed to see her. She is an amazing Christian woman, and I confided in her. She helped me see my own heart, that all I really want is to know God more and understand my place in His heart. I am an important part of this fastigiate body of His, just as we all are. My soul is steadfast in Him, and I will not fail. I rarely actually "hear" His voice, but it doesn't stop me from listening and He always answers. I don't have to hear it to know it. Two days ago, I ate a Klondike bar without any guilt, and it was good. I have not had any sugar since. Doesn't matter if I do or don't. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness! "The Lord is my portion," says my soul. Therefore I will hope in Him.
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