Thursday, July 14, 2011

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

When people I respect tell me I should read a book, I usually do and I rarely regret it. Shawn and Lianna recommended Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver and I have already devoured my way half through it. I don't know to explain the importance of this book other than it is changing my worldview. (It has changed Shawn into a Locovorus Rex.) I have always had an obsession with food, but it was not in a healthy way. Now I think I am reclaiming the joy of eating through the healthiest choices possible. Don't get me wrong - this is not a diet book. It is a delightful, enlightening narrative of one family's move from Tucson to an Appalachian farm, abandoning industrial food in favor of only locally grown food. No more processed foods- but it is not about deprivation, it is about amazing abundance and FLAVOR! Did you know lettuce has flavor? Iceberg from the store does not even seem like the same food I am eating from my garden. I have been eating Shawn's homemade doughnuts and bacon, Lianna's lattice top cherry pie (cherries picked and pitted by us), Melanie's pasta salad, and more. It is all delicious and I lost almost 2 more pounds this week. Again, this is not an "eat all you want and lose weight" diet book; it is very informative about the food industry and what we have been missing out on. I highly recommend it. Enjoy the Iowa harvest - it is wonderful!

Isaiah 62:9
but those who harvest it will eat it and praise the LORD, and those who gather the grapes will drink it in the courts of my sanctuary.


  1. I'm here! The next time I go to the library, I am finding this book. Can't wait to read it.

    Your blog is so wonderful to read. Our minds are completely alike. I can't imagine life without you.

    I love you, Deb

  2. I can't recommend this book enough, so thanks for helping me do it! It has changed me, too. Maybe not into an extreme locavorus rex, but maybe into a locavore spaniel. Or a locavore retriever.

    Mostly, it's just delightful to read! And so is your blog. Thanks for writing!
