Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring break is over

Spring break was a great time to be with family and friends. It was great to be with the Powers and Clark families in Polk City - walking downtown to the park was my favorite; it is like walking back in time to a place where I was a young mom raising kids. We often ventured out to find a playground or just walk around town. I usually did not have any money so I could not take the kids for an ice cream treat when they were little. So that is what we did on Spring Break - the kids and grandkids and I all walked downtown and got ice cream treats then played at the playground in the middle of the town square. It was one of my favorite parts of the week - simple pleasures. I love my family.

Now Spring Break is over and I am back to work and loving it. Being with all the little kiddos is really wonderful -every day is rich with simple pleasures.

1John 3 How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!


  1. Don't forget how HOT is was outside that day! 46? Heck yes. I loved having you here! I loved our 3 am conversation too. Glad I'm not the only reluctant insomniac! Love you!

  2. Thanks again for the Ice Cream! Hannah loved it! We will have to go to the park more often!
