Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I remember the first time I heard about Lent. Our family did not practice Lent, or really much Christianity at all. When I heard my friends talk about it, I thought they were giving something up for "lint." (the only word in my tiny brain that I could fit with what I was hearing). I thought that was very odd to give up something for lint, but I was not one to judge. Even after becoming a Christian as a young adult, I did not understand Lent. Now that I am a practicing Lutheran-type Christian, it is becoming more meaningful to me each year - the ceremony of ashes, humbling myself and putting my focus on the 40 day fast of Jesus, turning away from things that block my view of God's work and clearing the path for His work in my life. It is kind of like cleaning the lint out of the lint trap so that the dryer can do it's job quicker...it's hard to admit when you are wrong, isn't it? Actually, admitting I am wrong is freeing, because even as I try to clear the path to have a clearer view of God's work in my heart, I quickly fail, and am reminded of how much I need grace, over and over and over. Then it is finally Easter - the Christian season of the biggest and best reminder of God's ultimate sacrifice - He gave Himself up for Lent! And now I receive his continual outpouring of grace - the real heart of Christianity! I can't live through Lent without the knowledge that Easter is already here and always is.


  1. I'm so excited for Easter! I have the weekend off too! What are we going to do?

  2. Let's do it, let's do it, let's do it, let's live it up....let's do it, let's do it... cuz I gotta feelin', that the Day's gonna be a good day, that the Day's gonna be a Good Good Day!

  3. Jan, I'm not sure if you "incited" a party or a riot!! :) But I love it! Let's do it!!
